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Research Article
Special Issue
Türkçe Makale
All Azimuth Talks
Editorial Board
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Online First
Publication Guidelines
Research Article
Special Issue
Türkçe Makale
All Azimuth Talks
Editorial Board
Advisory Board
Volume 14, 2025
Volume 13, 2024
Volume 12, 2023
Volume 11, 2022
Volume 10, 2021
Volume 9, 2020
Volume 8, 2019
Volume 7, 2018
Volume 6, 2017
Volume 5, 2016
Volume 4, 2015
Volume 3, 2014
Volume 2, 2013
Volume 1, 2012
Issue 2
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 1
Sanctions and Postcolonial Statecraft in Iran: Resisting the Iran Libya Sanctions Act and Beyond
Andrew Thomas
Searching for a Place in Global IR Through Exceptionalism: Turkey and the Mediation for Peace Initiative
Radiye Funda Karadeniz and Gonca Oğuz Gök
Examining Relationships Among Turkey, Israel, and the United States in Terms of Interest Similarity
Zuhal Çalık Topuz and Jonathan Michael Spector
Theorising the Hedging Strategy: National Interests, Objectives, and Mixed Foreign Policy Instruments
Iván Gonzalez-Pujol
Contractual Origins of Anti-Americanism: Pew 2013 Results
Cem Birol
Malaysia’s “Triadic Maritime Diplomacy” Strategy in the South China Sea
Bama Andika Putra
Western-Centric Moments in Homegrown IR Theories: Dependency, Chinese and African Schools
Engin Sune
Are We There Yet? A Global Investigation of Knowledge Inclusion in International Relations Theory Curricula
Jacqueline De Matos Ala
The Dark Side of the Moon: An Ever-Fragmenting Discipline and Turkish IR in “the Outer Periphery”
Haluk Özdemir
Realism’s Timeless Wisdom and its Relevance for the Global South
Nicolas Beckmann and Onur Erpul
Disciplinary Boundaries and Methodological Issues of Teaching Geopolitics in Turkey
Cem Savaş
Socializing IR: Turkish IR Scholars and their Twitter Interactions
Hakan Mehmetcik Eric Morgan Melih Koluk and Galip Yuksel
Global IR Research Programme: From Perplexities to Progressions
Deepshikha Shahi
Issue 2
Issue 1
From Prescription to Treatment: The Disciplinary (under)Achievement of IR in Turkey
İsmail Erkam Sula, Buğra Sarı & Çağla Lüleci Sula
Quo Vadis, Turkish IR? Mapping Turkish IR’s Footsteps within the Global
İrem Karamık & Erman Ermihan
Frozen in Time while Icebergs are Melting: Türkiye’s Climate Policy
Fatih Bilal Gökpınar & Özgür Aktaş
Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Central Asia: An Unfolding of Regionalism and Soft Power
Hayriye Kahveci & Işık Kuşçu Bonnenfant
Neo-Weberian Reading of Violent Non-State Actors: The Case of Hezbollah
Mustafa Yetim
Breaking the Stalemate in the Study of the Relationship of Mutual Military Buildups, Arms Races, and Militarized Disputes: The Greece-Turkey/Ottoman Empire Cases
Ioannis Nioutsikos, Konstantinos Travlos & Magdalini Daskalopoulou
International Relations in Search of an Antidote
Ali L. Karaosmanoğlu
Non-Western Theories in International Relations Education and Research: The Case of Turkey/Turkish Academia
Mehmet Akif Okur and Cavit Emre Aytekin
Lessons Learned from the Development of Turkish IR: A View from Greece
Kyriakos Mikelis
Turkish IR Journals through a Bibliometric Lens
Hakan Mehmetcik and Hasan Hakses
Sea Blindness in Turkish International Relations Literature
Levent Kırval and Arda Özkan
The Trajectory of International Relations Dissertations in Turkish Academia Between 2000 and 2020
Özge Özkoç and Pınar Çağlayan
A Genealogy of the Concept of Civilization (Medeniyet) in Ottoman Political Thought: A Homegrown Perception?
Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık
Issue 2
Issue 1
U.S. Democracy Aid and the Conditional Effects of Donor Interests, Media Attention and Democratic Change, 1975-2010
James M. Scott, Charles M. Rowling, and Timothy M. Jones
Beyond the ‘Tissue of Clichés’?: The Purposes of the Fulbright Programme and New Pathways of Analysis
Giles Scott-Smith
Japanese Non-State Actors’ Under-Recognised Contributions to the International Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement
L. Chin, G. Govindasamy and Md N. Akhir
Securitization of Disinformation in NATO’s Lexicon: A Computational Text Analysis
Akın Ünver and Ahmet Kurnaz
Ontological Security and Iran’s Missile Program
Ali Bagheri Dolatabadi
The Rise and Fall of Homegrown Concepts in Global IR: The Anatomy of ‘Strategic Depth’ in Turkish IR
Ali Bakir and Eyüp Ersoy
The Global Division of Labor in a Not So Global Discipline
W. Wemheuer-Vogelaar, P. M. Kristensen and M. Lohaus
Methodological Nationalism in International Relations: A Quantitative Assessment of Academia in Turkey (2015-2019)
Mustafa Onur Tetik
Globalizing IR: Can Regionalism offer a path for other Sub-Disciplines?
Hakan Mehmetcik and Hasan Hakses
Towards Guanxi? Reconciling the “Relational Turn” in Western and Chinese International Relations Scholarship
Siyang Liu, Jeremy Garlick and Fangxing Qin
The English School and Global IR – A Research Agenda
Filippo Costa Buranelli and Simon F. Taeuber
Reflexive Solidarity: Toward a Broadening of What It Means to be “Scientific” in Global IR Knowledge
Yong-Soo Eun
‘Global’ IR and Self-Reflections in Turkey: Methodology, Data Collection, and Data Repository
Ismail Erkam Sula
Issue 2
Issue 1
At the Brink of Nuclear War: Feasibility of Retaliation and the U.S. Policy Decisions During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
Yang Gyu Kim and Félix E. Martín
Exogenous Dynamics and Leadership Traits: A Study of Change in the Personality Traits of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Ali Balcı and İbrahim Efe
Reputation Building as a Strategy for Terror Group Survival
Efe Tokdemir
Tianxia (All-Under-Heaven): An Alternative System or a Rose by another Name?
Mehmet Şahin
A Government Devoid of Strong Leadership: A Neoclassical Realist Explanation of Turkey’s Iraq War Decision in 2003*
Samet Yılmaz
Hedging as a Survival Strategy for Small States: The Case of Kuwait
İsmail Numan Telci and Mehmet Rakipoğlu
The Interactions of International Relations: Racism, Colonialism, Producer-Centred Research
Deep K. Datta-Ray
An Empirical Analysis of the Women and Peace Hypothesis
Malek Abduljaber and İlker Kalın
One Step Towards Reconciliation In Cyprus: Perceptions of the ‘Other’ for the Families of Missing Persons
Hasibe Şahoğlu
The Role of International Educational Exchange in Turkish Foreign Policy as a Reconstructed Soft Power Tool
Fatma Aslı Kelkitli
Egypt’s Defense Industry: Dependency, Civilian Production, and Attempts at Autonomy
Zeinab Abul-Magd
Professionalization, Local Military Context, and Reconstruction of the Army in Afghanistan
Cenker Korhan Demir
The Silence of non-Western International Relations Theory as a Camouflage Strategy: The Trauma of Qing China and the Late Ottoman Empire
H. Asena Demirer
Issue 2
Issue 1
Alternatives to the State: Or, Why a Non-Western IR Must Be a Revolutionary Science
Erik Ringmar
Foregrounding the Complexities of a Dialogic Approach to Global International Relations
Deepshikha Shahi
Locating a Multifaceted and Stratified Disciplinary ‘Core’
Helen Louise Turton
The Idea of Dialogue of Civilizations and Core-Periphery Dialogue in International Relations
Homeira Moshirzadeh
Dialogue of the “Globals”: Connecting Global IR to Global Intellectual History
Deniz Kuru
Widening the ‘Global Conversation’: Highlighting the Voices of IPE in the Global South
Melisa Deciancio and Cintia Quiliconi
International Relations (IR) Pedagogy, Dialogue and Diversity: Taking the IR Course Syllabus Seriously
Nathan Andrews
The Chinese School, Global Production of Knowledge, and Contentious Politics in the Disciplinary IR
Yongjin Zhang
State Human Rights Performance and Recommendations under the Universal Periodic Review
Eric Cox
A Dynamic Model of the Spread of Intrastate War
Ali Fisunoğlu
Ideas and Interests: European Democracy Aid and the Democracy-Security Dilemma, 1990-2010
James M. Scott and Brandy Jolliff Scott
Deconstructing the Sykes-Picot Myth: Frontiers, Boundaries, Borders and the Evolution of Ottoman Territoriality
Ali Murat Kurşun
Ideologies and the Western Question in Turkish Foreign Policy: A Neo-classical Realist Perspective
Şevket Ovalı and İlkim Özdikmenli
Turkish Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order
H. Tarik Oguzlu
Issue 2
Issue 1
Secrecy and the Study of International History: Missing Dimension in Turkish Foreign Policy
Egemen Bezci
Reflecting on the Reflectivist Approach to Qualitative Interviewing
Alper Kaliber
Mobilization Follies in International Relations: A Multimethod Exploration of Why Some Decision Makers Fail to Avoid War When Public Mobilization as a Bargaining Tool Fails
Konstantinos Travlos
Societal Rather than Governmental Change: Religious Discrimination in Muslim-Majority Countries after the Arab Uprisings
Yasemin Akbaba and Jonathan Fox
Competitive Jihadism: Understanding the Survival Strategies of Jihadist De Facto States
Burak Bilgehan Özpek and Yavuz Yağış
Multiple Dualities: Seeking the Patterns in Iran’s Foreign Policy
Tugba Bayar
After the Failed Military Coup: The Need for the Organizational Reform in the Turkish Military
Ramazan Erdag
Making Sense of Turkey’s Air and Missile Defense Merry-go-round
Sıtkı Egeli
The Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Prospects for Change and Continuity
Vali Golmohammadi
Issue 2
The Challenge of the South China Sea: Congressional Engagement and the U.S. Policy Response
James M. Scott
Unpacking the Post-Soviet: Political Legacy of the Tartu Semiotic School
Andrey Makarychev
Conceptual Cultivation and Homegrown Theorizing: The Case of/for the Concept of Influence
Eyüp Ersoy
Would 100 Global Workshops on Theory Building Make A Difference?
Knud Erik Jørgensen
Reshaping International Relations: Theoretical Innovations from Africa
Karen Smith
Is Terrorism Becoming an Effective Strategy to Achieve Political Aims?
Nihat Ali Özcan
Roundtable Discussion on Homegrown Theorizing
Roundtable Discussion
Data-Driven Public Diplomacy: A Critical and Reflexive Assessment
Hamilton Bean
Turkish Terrorism Studies: A Preliminary Assessment*
Cenker Korhan Demir
Widening the World of IR: A Typology of Homegrown Theorizing
Ersel Aydınlı
Homegrown Theorizing: Knowledge, Scholars, Theory
Deniz Kuru
Chinese Concepts and Relational International Politics
Emilian Kavalski
Iranian Scholars and Theorizing International Relations: Achievements and Challenges
Homeira Moshirzadeh
The Genealogy of Culturalist International Relations in Japan and Its Implications for Post-Western Discourse
Kosuke Shimizu
Progress in Turkish International Relations
İlter Turan
Linking Status with Soft Power: Call for a Joint Research Agenda
Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti
Issue 2
The Hegemony of Governmentality: Towards a Research Agenda
Jonathan Joseph
Transcending Hegemonic International Relations Theorization: Nothingness, Re-Worlding, and Balance of Relationship
Chih-yu Shih
On the Borders of Cultural Relativism, Nativism, and International Society: A Promotion of Islamist Democracy in the Middle East after the Arab Uprisings
Metin Koca
Explaining Miscalculation and Maladaptation in Turkish Foreign Policy towards the Middle East during the Arab Uprisings: A Neoclassical Realist Perspective
Nuri Yeşilyurt
Global Peaceful Change and Accommodation of Rising Powers: A Scholarly Perspective
T.V. Paul
The Chinese School of International Relations: Myth or Reality?
Emre Demir
Center-Periphery Relations: What Kind of Rule and Does it Matter?
Nicholas Onuf
Influence and Hegemony: Shifting Patterns of Material and Social Power in World Politics
Simon Reich
Ideology, Political Agenda, and Conflict: A Comparison of American, European, and Turkish Legislatures’ Discourses on Kurdish Question
Akın Ünver
The Politics of Effective Aid and Interstate Conflict
Ömer F. Örsün
American Elections and the Global (Dis)order
Ali Resul Usul
Chinese Hegemony: What Kind of Global Power?
Çağla Kılıç
Issue 2
The Paradox of Power Asymmetry: When and Why Do Weaker States Challenge US Hegemony?
Hong-Cheol Kim
Reconciliation-oriented Leadership: Nelson Mandela and South Africa
Havva Kök Arslan
Violence and Security Concerns in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland
İmren Borsuk
Why Does The International Drug-Control System Fail?
Behsat Ekici
Hard power versus Soft power or a balance between the two?
Peter M. E. Volten
The Global Politics of Large Dams: Notes on Christopher J. Sneddon’s Concrete Revolution
Joseph D. Lombardo
Peace Education: Training for an Evolved Consciousness of Non-violence
Alev Yemenici
Peace Education as a Post-conflict Peacebuilding Tool
Vanessa Tinker
The Moroccan Monarchy and the Islam-oriented PJD: Pragmatic Cohabitation and the Need for Islamic Political Secularism
Abdellatif Hissouf
Intelligence Cooperation in the European Union: An Impossible Dream?
Şeniz Bilgi
Conflict Resolution Revisited: Peaceful Resolution, Mediation and Responsibility to Protect
Seán O Regan
Non-Western International Relations Theory and Ibn Khaldun
Engin Sune
Issue 2
Exchanges and Peacemaking: Counterfactuals and Unexplored Possibilities
Iain Wilson
The Role of U.S. Elite Military Schools in Promoting Intercultural Understanding and Democratic Governance
Carol Atkinson
Strategic Communication and the Marketization of Educational Exchange
Hamilton Bean
The BIG Picture: Reflections on the Role of International Educational Exchange in Peace and Understanding
Darla Deardorff
US Public Diplomacy in the Modern Era: A Review of Battles to Bridges
Hatice Altun
An Inter-Subsystemic Approach in International Relations
Haluk Özdemir
Interpreting Turkey’s Middle East Policy in the Last Decade
Nilüfer Karacasulu
Knowledge, Repetition and Power in Ibn al-‘Arabi’s Thought: Some Preliminary Comments on Methodology
Ali Balcı
Transatlantic Security, Defence and Strategy: Badly Needed Reforms
Peter M. E. Volten
International Relations Theories and Turkish International Relations: Observations Based on a Book
Seçkin Köstem
Issue 2
Thinking about Intelligence Within, Without, and Beyond the State
Peter Gill
‘Via Media’ vs. the Critical Path: Constructivism(s) and the Case of EU Identity
Zeynep Arkan
Causes and Consequences of the Recent European Crisis: Can Polanyi help us understand problems of the Eurozone?
Mine Kara
Insights of Intelligence Insiders on (Non-) Sharing Intelligence Behaviors
Musa Tüzüner
Global Religious Forces and Conflict Resolution
Rana M. Nelson
Turkey’s New Vision for “Man’s Best Hope for Peace”: United Nations Reform and Reorganization of the Security Council
Can Akça Ataç
The Geopolitical Origins of Turkish-American Relations: Revisiting the Cold War Years
Ayşe Ömür Atmaca
Buying Trouble? The Impact of Foreign Assistance on Conflict in Direct and Indirect Rivalry Situations
Peter Rudloff
Babies, Parks, and Citizen Dissatisfaction Social Protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey and their Long-term Effects
Soeren Keil
Revisiting the Theory and Practice Debate in International Relations and Foreign Policy and an Idea for a Joint Venture
Yönet Can Tezel
Capitalism, Crisis, and Alternative System Seeking
Gülten Üstüntağ
Issue 2
A Guide to Event Data: Past, Present, and Future
Philip A. Schrodt
Data Quality for Measuring Political Protest and Government Change
Charles Lewis Taylor
An Empirical Assessment of the Role of Emotions and Behavior in Conflict Using Automatically Generated Data
Steve Shellman
A Pilot Study of Quantifying Turkey’s Foreign Affairs: Data Generation, Challenges, and Preliminary Analysis
Musa Tüzüner
Roundtable Discussion on Event Data
Roundtable Discussion
Norway and Turkey: Possibilities of Cooperation through the Eyes of Turkish Opinion-Makers
Daniel Heradstveit
Humanitarian Intervention as a ‘Responsibility to Protect’: An International Society Approach
Şaban Kardaş
Mediation: The Best Way Forward in Conflict Prevention and Resolution
Ertuğrul Apakan
Good Governance of the Security Sector in Turkey
Willem F. van Eekelen
Europe in Transition: Lessons to be Learned
Ludger Kühnhardt
Notes from NOREF and İhsan Doğramacı Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research: Summary and Reflections on the Turkish and Norwegian Approaches to the Arab Spring and Peacebuilding
Ç. Esra Çuhadar
Issue 2
Comparing Individual Attitudes about EU Membership in Turkey and in Post-Communist Central and Eastern European Countries
Çiğdem Kentmen
China Reaches Turkey? Radio Peking’s Turkish Language Broadcasts During the Cold War
Çağdaş Üngör
The Arab Spring – Contemporary Revolutions in Historical Comparison
Mark Almond
The Dynamics of Turkish-Israeli Relations
Onur Gökçe
Can Iran be Contained? Thoughts on the Possibility of Extended Deterrence in the Middle East
Carlo Masala
Bringing Religion Back In? Debating Religion in International Politics
Eyüp Ersoy
Beyond the Global Financial Crisis: Structural Continuities as Impediments to a Sustainable Recovery
Ziya Öniş
Forcing Democracy: Is Military Intervention for Regime Change Permissible?
Müge Kınacıoğlu
Area and International Studies in Turkey: The Case of the United States
İlter Turan
International Security – One Paradigm Change after the Other
Willem F. van Eekelen
The Transatlantic Relationship in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
Charles King Mallory
Energy Security, Politics, Markets, Peace
Ali Oğuz Diriöz